A quick update of the robot. He's almost completely done. I just finished the knee joints. This was basically my 3rd attempt at knees. The first ones were basically just a place holder. In my concept drawing I made them very indistinct. You can see them in some of my previous posts. I then decided that I wanted them to look very organic so I looked up some reference photos of knee joints. I started to make them but I realized they looked far too organic and didn't fit with the rest of the robot at all. The version that I have now seemed like a good compromise and fit with what I wanted the robot to look like.
The next step will be to rig the robot. I'll post some hardware renders so I can have pictures of what the model looks like with the invisible joints. Then I'll move on to animating and looking for a nice scene to put the robot in. Lastly, I'll do some sort of short film test for this guy! Enjoy!