Monday, April 19, 2010

The Knee Joint

A quick update of the robot. He's almost completely done. I just finished the knee joints. This was basically my 3rd attempt at knees. The first ones were basically just a place holder. In my concept drawing I made them very indistinct. You can see them in some of my previous posts. I then decided that I wanted them to look very organic so I looked up some reference photos of knee joints. I started to make them but I realized they looked far too organic and didn't fit with the rest of the robot at all. The version that I have now seemed like a good compromise and fit with what I wanted the robot to look like.

The next step will be to rig the robot. I'll post some hardware renders so I can have pictures of what the model looks like with the invisible joints. Then I'll move on to animating and looking for a nice scene to put the robot in. Lastly, I'll do some sort of short film test for this guy! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Missed the Cameras!!!!!

I can't believe it but I noticed after looking at my last post that you can't see the cameras at all! So here ya go. I put a lot of work into them so enjoy!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Robot!!!!: The Sequel

Just a quick update on my robot. I was meaning to change the eyes to look more like camera lenses. Well, today I took care of that.

I also finished the feet, which I didn't take a picture of before, so I only need a few more things and my creation will be complete.

And another...

The Robot... is not quite finished...

Here is a post of my most recent project. I'm creating a robot based off of a concept drawing I did. It's not even close to being done. It's mainly just detail work but that always takes the longest. Here are some pics of my progress.

The light pink parts are supposed to be like an artificial muscle structure.

I wanted some parts to still look robot though, so I made sure to keep the main part of the body very robotic.

I also added some wires, which I still need more of, that connect the camera lenses to the main portion of the body.


Saturday, April 10, 2010


I was working on some modeling today in Maya (A computer modeling program). I was just messing around because I couldn't think of anything to make. All the sudden a tiny cat came up to my computer and started batting it with her paw! I realized that she was trying to attack the model that I was building. For most cats this would be normal behavior, but what made this especially cute is that Tiggy, our cat, never plays at all. It was amazing and ridiculously cute. We had to record it, and we did!

Friday, April 9, 2010

India Videos

Here are some videos from Val's mom who just recently got back from India. These are just some various shots of different cities around India. The train station is in Lucknow.