Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today.... is a sick day. Val and I have been feeling like crap since we got back from our vacation yesterday. Val wasn't feeling good since Saturday and it really started hitting me on Monday. Blech!
On the bright side, I'm now able to post updates to my blog! Huzzah!

First update: The Buso Festival. This was a crazy holiday where people dress up in demon costumes, scare people, befriend children, and sexually assault women.... and yes it was as weird, and as fun, as it sounds.

One of the first busos we saw.

baby buso!!!

Buso parade!!!!!

Busos starting the bonfire!!!!!!!!!

and last but certainly not least....

The Buso bonfire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although we walked around for 8 hours, and felt like our legs were going to fall off, it was an amazing time and it was an easy festival to get sucked into. Eveyone had a great time and I think that most people would enjoy it. Even the kids, oddly enough, were delighted by the Busos. Weird, wacky stuff!

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