Friday, March 19, 2010

I come from the Borque!

So about 10 minutes ago me and Val were listening to some music on Pandora Radio on my Ipod. A band came up called "Hawk and a Hacksaw". We both seemed to really enjoy them. I was curious about who they were so I loooked up about the artist on Pandora and began reading. Nothing too crazy. The main guy wrote all of the music for the first album which was quite impressive. However as I kept reading I started to freak out! It turns out that the guy is from Albuquerque, New Mexico! Of all of the random places to be from... he's from my home town! What a weird coincidence, right? Well, it got weirder. As I read on I learned that his latest project was in...... (drum roll) freakin Budapest! I couldn't believe it. If you aren't a family member of mine or decided for this to be the first post you read on my blog, me and Val plan on going there to teach English in August. I found this to be incredibly intruiging. I'm going to see if I can get in contact with the guy through email just to see if he's still in Budapest and would be interested in talking with some fellow New Mexicans. I guess we'll see....

UPDATE: I tried to find an email address for the band but I guess there doesn't seem to be one there. I'll try and see if I could contact the guy alone. If not, oh well.

UPDATE 2: I gave up. I couldn't find anything right away and I thought it would be kind of pathetic if I spent a long time looking for the email address. Especially if the guy sent something back along the lines of, "How'd you get this email?"

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