Sunday, June 27, 2010

An Epiphany

So occasionaly I've been terrified to go to Budapest. It's a huge step in Val and I's life and there's no reason to NOT be scared. However, I, strangely enough, found some pretty heavy wisdom..... in a manga. Yes a manga. Full Metal Alchemist to be specific. After reading the entire series, I finally finished it tonight which is weird. I've been reading it since high school and having something just finish feels a little weird. The quote says:

"A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain something without sacrificing something else in return."

I thought this quote was interesting because it showed me that this is true. Although there is the fear and pain of leaving those we love behind, this pain is what makes the experiences worth doing. Our sacrifice will be worth the experiences we gain and the friends that we make. After reading this short quote I don't really fear the unknown and rather I now embrace it with every fiber of my being.

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