Thursday, June 24, 2010

World Traveler

I found this on a girl named Lauren's blog. I thought it was really cool.... so of course I got it myself. I can't wait to add a bunch of countries to it in Hungary. It'll be fun to track where Val and I travel to.

On a second note, Val and I have been working on a couple of projects. We just finished an American Ninja Warrior video for this guy and he said, to celebrate, he was going to take us out for sake! WOOT! Never had sake before but I hope it's not going to be like drinking acid. This project has been taking up a lot of our time so we haven't had a lot of time for much else. Especially when you add it to the hours of time spent on looking at

Speaking of which, we found a picture of this thing that people are calling creepy charlie.

It's on the site on the picture. The caption on it says:

"Creepy charlie is only a little creepy, mostly it's just shy"

lolz. Aaaanyways, I've been drawing and doing cgi but not a lot. I've been a little too preoccupied with other things, like oh I dunno.... moving to another country. Once we move I'll probably blog about adventures and traveling more than cgi. Well, that's all for now.

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