Saturday, February 20, 2010

AVATAR!!!!.... The Last Airbender

Ok so many people have heard of Avatar, obviously. It's now the highest grossing film of all time, making well over 2 billion dollars. The previous record holder was James Cameron's last hit, Titanic, which made quite a bit of money as well. Anyways, this isn't what I'm talking about. The Avatar I'm talking about is the hit Nickelodeon TV show about a child "airbender" who must save the world. That's a little bit of a simplistic description but the story is incredibly complex and way too hard to describe. The TV show itself was incredibly popular and for the series finale the show had 5.6 million viewers, which is quite a bit for a cable tv show. Anyways, to get back on track, this show is going to be made into a huge movie with special effects done by Industrial Lights and Magic. These are the people that did just about every huge movie's special effects..... ever. If you look them up you'll see what I mean. Well, seeing as I'm a HUGE Avatar: The Last Airbender fan, this is pretty big news. Here's a link to the previews if you want to check it out.

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