Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In The Weeds

Today was a pretty intense day for our volunteer teaching. The kids were all TOTALLY out of control. When I was working with my kids I thought I was the only one but when I looked up the other kids seemed to be just as far as mine were in the activity book. This actually helped me focus again and realize that it wasn't just me. It also didn't help that the substitute yesterday was apparently very mean and didn't get ANY of the kids up to the point where they were supposed to be in the activity book. Every kid was behind and this made it even harder for them all to finish. Only a small handful of kids were able to finish to the point where they were supposed to be and even the ones who were were focused barely managed to finish in time. I also had the unfortunate privelege of having 3 kids that are supposed to be seperated from one another to prevent problems. Seperated, they are actually quite good but together it causes quite a few problems. However, I got through it and now it's time to relax.

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