Friday, May 14, 2010

(Insert Explitive Here)!!!!!

So tonight I went over to my dad's house. He has been wanting me to go over to his house and fire up the grill. He's never used it before and we both thought it would be a great idea to make it a father son thing. It started out pretty good. We had the steaks, some potatoe salad, and some beans in a can. What could be better? So I went to start up the grill and..... nothing. The grill didn't do a thing. I looked at the propane tank and it turned out that the guy who had put in the grill and the patio that it went with had forgotten to turn off the gas when he tested it out..... nice dude. Anyways, there was no way to cook the steaks on the grill so we decided that we would cook them on the stove inside. I asked my dad, "do you have a frying pan I can use?"
He said, "Sure, let me find it."
He was having a little trouble so I started helping him look. Unfortunatelly the one that he was talking about was barely big enough to even holod the steaks in them. I was already committed to cooking the steaks and I absolutely HAD to cook them if my life depended on it. Half way through I paid dearly for my attempts at pathetic steak cooking. As I was flipping one of the steaks a HUGE splash of grease went all over my hand. There were a few explitives, needless to say. The rest of dinner went well and the steaks were actually pretty amazing but, MY GOD! My hand feels like it is going to explode!!!

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