Monday, October 11, 2010

Gerbaud and the Zoo: Part 2

Val's dad and stepmom have arrived in Budapest. We've done a lot already since they arrived last Thursday. The first was to visit Gerbaud! Where I saw the awesome old guys playing music. The guy playing the violin would say, "Opa!" every time someone would put money in the case.

Awesome.... Then we went to the zoo. It was some great stuff!!!! Sweet animal stuff happening............................................. NOW!

Cute gorilla baby!!!!!.........

Isn't that crazy????? I love the Budapest zoo!

Yes, that's a rhino and yes, I'm touching it O_o!!!!!!! I also enjoyed this particualarly sweet moment of an old lady and the same rhino.....

Ridiculously amazing stuff. Even better than the first time. We also saw some people feeding elephants. Nuts!!!

After the zoo we finished with a relaxing afternoon at Szechenyi furdo!!! It was great! What an amazing place to live in!

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